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Guatemala UNESCO world heritage sites

Izabal department [capital = Puerto Barrios]

Archaeological Park in Quirigua @
At the core of Quiriqua is the Great Plaza, the largest known public space in the entire Maya area. The monumental complexes which are set out around the Great Plaza, the Ceremonial Plaza and the Plaza of the Temple are remarkable for the complexity of their structure - a highly elaborate system of pyramids, terraces, and staircases which results in a complete remodelling of the natural relief and which creates a singular dimension as at Copan.

Peten department [capital = Flores]

National Park in Tikal @
Embedded within the much larger Maya Biosphere Reserve, exceeding two million hectares and contiguous with additional conservation areas, Tikal National Park is one of the few World Heritage properties inscribed according to both natural and cultural criteria for its extraordinary biodiversity and archaeological importance.

Retalhuleu department [capital = Retalhuleu]

National Archaeological Park Tak’alik Ab’aj in El Asintal on RUE-13
Sacred spaces and buildings were laid out according to cosmological principles, and innovative water management systems, ceramics, and lapidary art can be found.

Secatepequez department [capital = Antigua]

City of Antigua see detail
Most of the surviving civil, religious, and civic buildings date from the 17th and 18th centuries and constitute magnificent examples of colonial architecture in the Americas. These buildings reflect a regional stylistic variation known as Barroco antigueno. Distinctive characteristics of this architectural style include the use of decorative stucco for interior and exterior ornamentation, main fassades with a central window niche and often a deeply-carved tympanum, massive buildings, and low bell towers designed to withstand the region's frequent earthquakes.