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Turkmenistan UNESCO world heritage sites

Akhalskaya region [capital = Ashgabat]

Parthian Fortresses in Bagyr at Old + New Nisa
The Parthian Fortresses of Nisa consist of two tells of Old and New Nisa, indicating the site of one of the earliest and most important cities of the Parthian Empire, a major power from the mid 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD.
Bereketli Garagum near Karaadzhi at N39 36 22 E59 39 39
The reserve area 87,000 hectares. It was established in 2013 in order to further improve the protection and preservation of the unique ecosystems and the natural resources of the Karakum desert.

Dashkhovuzskaya region [capital = Dashoguz]

Town of Kunya-Urgench at minaret + Najm-ad-Din al-Kubra Mausoleum + Ibn Khajib mausoleum
The old town area contains series of monuments mainly from the 11th to 16th centuries. This area has remained a vast deserted land with some remains of ancient fortified settlements, including a mosque, the gates of a caravanserai, fortresses, mausoleums and a 60-m high minaret.
Kaplankyr Reserve at N41 34 27 E57 29 10
Kaplankyr State Reserve: founded at the junction of borders of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 1979 (Dashoguz Velayat) for the protection and restoration of the Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata), waterfowl and waders, Ustyurt subspecies of urial, saiga, Persian gazelle, honey badger, kulan and other representatives of flora and fauna of the Kaplankyr Hills and the neighboring territory of North Turkmenistan.

Lebabskaya region [capital = Turkmenabat]

Amul Settlement in Turkmenabat at N39 1 6.9 E63 35 28.36
Amul is fortress (shahristan), the walls of which form almost regular quadrangle up to 9 hectares.
Repetek Biosphere State Reserve in Karaul-Kuyu on M37
The reserve "supports the most complete assemblage of bird species typical of the sand desert of the Karakum" and "has an important population of Goitered Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) which is listed as Vulnerable (VU) in the IUCN Red List".
Mansaf + Konegala Caravanserais in Lebap at N38 16 8.69 E62 47 52.58 + N38 16 8.01 E62 47 48.95 + N38 14 58.05 E62 46 12.8
The term caravanserai was typically preferred for rural inns built along roads outside of city walls.

Maryyskaya region [capital = Mary]

State Historical and Cultural Park "Ancient Merv" in Merv @
The State Historical and Cultural Park "Ancient Merv" is the oldest and most completely preserved of the oasis cities along the Silk Roads in Central Asia. The historic urban centre consists of a series of adjacent walled cities: Erk Kala, Gyaur Kala and the medieval Sultan Kala or Marv al-Shahijan.
Kushmeihan (Dinli Kishman) settlement near Durnaly at N37 55 17.24 E62 12 29.12
It was the stepping off point for the Karakum Desert crossing to Amul, a major market town and a strategic center along the Silk Roads.
Gyzylja Gala + Akja Gala Caravanserai in Berkarar on M37
The Akja Gala Caravanserai represents an outstanding example of a caravanserai on Amul-Merv section of the Silk Roads of the 9th – 12th centuries. Its archaeological remains reflect the outstanding skills in making comfortable shelter in the most severe desert environment of Karakum.