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Venezuela UNESCO world heritage sites

Bolivar state [capital = Ciudad Bolivar]

Canaima National Park in Gran Sabana @
The sheer cliffs and waterfalls, including the world's highest (1,000 m), form a spectacular landscape.

Distrito Federal state [capital = Caracas]

Ciudad Universitaria in Caracas on Issy les Moulineaux Street
The university campus integrates the large number of buildings and functions into a clearly articulated ensemble, including masterpieces of modern architecture and visual arts, such as the Aula Magna with the "Clouds" of Alexander Calder, the Olympic Stadium, and the Covered Plaza.

Falcon state [capital = Coro]

City and port of Coro @
Dating from the earliest years of Spanish colonisation of the Caribbean coast of South America, Coro and its Port with buildings of earthen construction in a rich fusion of local traditions and Spanish Mudéjar and Dutch architectural techniques, have maintained their original layout and urban landscape to a remarkable degree.