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Bern UNESCO world heritage sites

Bern east

Lower Gate bridge at Untertorbruecke
The original bridge, most likely a wooden walkway, was built in 1256 and spanned the Aare at the Nydegg Fortress. The bridge was destroyed in a flood in 1460. Within one year, construction began on a new stone bridge. The small Mariakapelle (Mary's Chapel) located in the side of the bridge column on the city side was blessed in 1467. However the bridge wasn't finished until 1490.
Laufer fountain on Lauferplatz
The trough was built in 1824, but the figure dates from 1545.
Nydegg Church at Nydeggasse 2
From 1341 to 1346 a church with a small steeple was built on the ruins of the castle. Then, between 1480 and 1483 a tower was added to the church. The central nave was rebuilt in 1493 to 1504. In 1529, following the Reformation, the Nydegg Church was used as a warehouse for wood and grain. Later, in 1566, the church was again used for religious services and in 1721 was placed under the Muenster.
Justice fountain at Gerechtigkeitsgasse 39
Built in 1543 by Hans Gieng, the fountain is topped with a representation of Justice. She stands with her eyes and ears bound, a sword of truth one hand and the scales in the other. On the pillar below her feet are four figures; the Pope, a Sultan, the Kaiser or Emperor and the Schultheiss or Lord Mayor. This represents the power of Justice over the rulers and political systems of the day; Theocracy, Monarchy, Autocracy and the Republic.
Venner fountain at Kreuzgasse 3
The statue, built in 1542 shows a Venner in full armour with his banner.
Cathedral at Muensterplatz 1
Construction on the Munster began in 1421 and finished with the bell tower in 1893. The bell tower is 100 m (328 ft) and is the tallest in Switzerland. The largest bell in the bell tower is also the largest bell in Switzerland.
Moses fountain at Muenstergasse 32
The Moses fountain, located on Muensterplatz (German: Cathedral Plaza) was rebuilt in 1790–1791. The Louis XVI style basin was designed by Niklaus Sprüngli. The Moses figure dates from the sixteenth century. The statue represents Moses bringing the Ten Commandments to the Tribes of Israel.

Bern west

Samson fountain at Kramgasse 22
The fountain, built in 1544 by Hans Gieng, is modeled after the Simsonbrunnen in Solothurn.
Zahringer fountain at Kramgasse 65
The Zahringerbrunnen was built in 1535 as a memorial to the founder of Bern, Berchtold von Zahringer. The statue is a bear in full armour, with another bear cub at his feet. The bear represents the bear, that according to legend, Berchtold shot on the Aare peninsula as he was searching for a site to build a city.
Clock Tower at Bim Zytglogge 3
The Zytglogge is the landmark medieval clock tower in the Old City of Bern. It has existed since about 1218–1220 and is one of the most recognisable symbols of Bern.
Child Eater Fountain on Kornhausplatz
The statue is a seated giant or ogre swallowing a naked child. Several other children are visible in a sack at the figure's feet.
Parliament Building at Bundesplatz 3
The complex includes the Bundeshaus West (built in 1852–57), the central Parliament Building (built in 1894–1902) and the Bundeshaus East (built in 1884–1892).
Anna-Seiler fountain at Marktgasse 63
The Anna Seiler fountain, located at the upper end of Marktgasse memorializes the founder of the first hospital in Bern.
Church of the Holy Spirit at Spitalgasse 44
The first church was a chapel built for the Holy Ghost hospital and abbey. The chapel, hospital and abbey were first mentioned in 1228 and at the time sat about 150 meters (490 ft) outside the western gate of the first city wall.