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Santiago de Compostela UNESCO world heritage sites

Convent of San Francisco at Rua do Campino de San Francisco, 3
Founded by St. Francis himself 1214 during his visit to the city. All that remains from that original construction are five ogee arches in the main cloister. Gines Martinez built the new cloister in 1607, arranged on two floors, the lower one with Tuscan pillars holding semi-circular arches; and the upper one with narrower pilasters and semi-circular arched windows.
Monastery of San Martino Pinario at Praza da Inmaculada, 5
The complex, covering some 20,000 square metres, is one of the largest constructions of its kind in Spain and is currently home to the Seminario Mayor and a hotel. It also houses a museum with a permanent collection, including the church with altarpieces and choir stalls.
Cathedral on Praza do Obradoiro
The cathedral has historically been a place of pilgrimage on the Way of St. James since the Early Middle Ages and marks the traditional end of the pilgrimage route. The building is a Romanesque structure, with later Gothic and Baroque additions.
Raxoi Palace on Praza do Obradoiro
There is a magnificent and elegant Neoclassic facade that supports itself on a granite colonnade with fourteen half-moon arches. Originally it was used as a seminary for confessors, but today it is the site of City Hall and the Galician government.
Church of Santa Maria a Real do Sar on Rua de Sar
It was declared Bien de Interes Cultural in 1895. The church lies on the banks of the Sar river, which flows past Santiago.
Psychiatric Hospital of Conxo at Plaza de Martin Herrera, 2
The Mercedarian Convent of Santa Maria de Conxo presently houses the Provincial Psychiatric Hospital. It dates from the times of Gelmirez, though all that remains from then are two Romanesque arches in the cloister, where we can see the foundation inscription from 1129.