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Salamanca UNESCO world heritage sites

San Marcos Parish at Plaza San Marcos
Its circular plan relates it to the Order of the Temple. Dated at the end of the XII or principles of the XIII.
Sancti-Spiritus Parish at Ronda de Sancti-Spíritus
It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1888.
Church of San Cristobal at Plaza de San Cristóbal, 12
The church has a single nave built in the twelfth century , with retouching of later styles. From this period it conserves its central apse , the exterior in which the corbels protrude, and in the interior part of the vegetal decoration in the transept of the church.
Convent of las Claras at Calle Sta. Clara, 2
This museum houses interesting samples of religious art from the 13th to the 16th centuries. It offers a collection of mural paintings from the 13th to the 16th centuries, medallions in relief, coffered ceilings, and images and canvases from different eras.
Old Quarter of the City on Plaza Mayor
Felipe V ordered the construction of the plaza to be used for bullfighting and was designed by the Churriguera family in sandstone. It had been used for bullfighting up until the mid-19th century, one hundred years after being completed.
House of Santa Teresa de Jesus at Calle Condes de Crespo Rascon, 19
House in which Santa Teresa lived during her stays in Salamanca, between 1570 and 1574, on the occasion of her seventh foundation of Discalced Carmelites. Built in the 15th century, it conserves some objects of the Saint.
Church of San Juan de Barbalos at Plaza San Juan Bautista, 1
In the exterior it preserves the Romanesque apse with three splayed windows with columns and carved corbels on the entrance door and on the roof of the apse a Gothic image of the Virgin and Child is preserved. The interior, of a single nave, has vaulted barrel vaulting in the presbytery, highlighting a sculpture of the Christ of the Zarza, Romanesque of the twelfth century, and a polychrome stone carving of the Virgen de las Guindas at the end of the 15th century.
Irish College at Calle Fonseca, 2
The Irish College at Salamanca was founded by Rev. Thomas White, formerly of Clonmel, Ireland, in 1592 to house the students of that country who came to Salamanca due to the English persecution of the Catholics.