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Trier UNESCO world heritage sites

Porta Nigra on Porta-Nigra-Platz
The Porta Nigra was built in grey sandstone after 170 AD. The original gate consisted of two four-storeyed towers, projecting as near semicircles on the outer side. A narrow courtyard separated the two gate openings on either side.
Church of Our Lady at Liebfrauenstrasse 2
The Church of Our Lady is the oldest Gothic church in Germany, built in the 13th century on the outline of a twelve-petalled rose (rosa mystica) in the finest French High Gothic filigree architecture.
Saint Peter's Cathedral at Liebfrauenstrasse 12
It is the oldest church in Germany and the largest religious structure in Trier, notable for its long life span and grand design. The central part of the nave was built of Roman brick in the early fourth century, resulting in a cathedral that was added onto gradually in different eras. The imposing Romanesque westwork, with four towers and an additional apse, has been copied repeatedly. The Trier Cathedral Treasury contains an important collection of Christian art.
Aula Palatina at Konstantinplatz 10
The Aula Palatina was built around AD 310 as a part of the palace complex. Originally it was not a free standing building, but had other smaller buildings (such as a forehall, a vestibule and some service buildings) attached to it. The Aula Palatina was equipped with a floor- and wall-heating system (hypocaust).
Imperial Baths at Weimarer Allee 2
The Trier Imperial Baths (German: Kaiserthermen) are a large Roman bath complex in Trier, Germany.
Amphitheater at Olewiger Strasse 25
The theater which was dug into the side of a hill was erected around the 2nd century A.D during Antoninus Pius' rule. It could accommodate approximately 20,000 spectators and was built into what was the cities wall.
Barbara Baths on Suedallee
Only the foundations and the subterranean service tunnels have survived, but the technical details of the sewer systems, the furnaces, the pools, and the heating system can be studied better than in the other two baths of Trier.
Roman Bridge at Roemerbruecke
It is the oldest standing bridge in the country. The nine bridge pillars date from the 2nd century AD. The upper part was renewed twice, in the early 12th and in the early 18th century, after suffering destruction in war.